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Two NEW Guests Announced For 2020 WHEDONCON

Brandon Troy

Today, WhedonCon drops some "harmonic" news as two new guest have been announced as additions to the 2020 show. First, however, for the uninitiated, you might be asking: What is WhedonCon?

Well, WhedonCon is a Whedonverse convention, designed by fans for fans, with the aim of harnessing the power of fandom to raise money for charities while creating a fun, interactive environment for attendees. It's aim is to educate while entertaining in all areas of fandom: books, comics, television, movies, animation, technology, steampunk, arts and sciences. In addition to dealers’ room and panels, there will be seminars, hands-on workshops & meetup areas on those topics. Have fun while doing good at the same time!

Now that that explanation is out of the way, the two guests, in question, are none other than Mercedes McNab & Mark Ryan! Best known to fans as the ditzy and sometimes evil Harmony Kendall on Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel, Mercedes has been acting since she was ten years old. Mark, on the other hand, is known for his portrayal of Mr. Gates in Black Sails, Nasir in Robin of Sherwood, and as the voices of Bumblebee, Jetfire, and Lockdown in the TRANSFORMERS films.

WhedonCon 2020 commences June 5-7 at Hilton LAX.

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